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Welcome to Ash Class


Ash Class is a mixed class of reception and year 1 children. Our teacher is Miss Bleakley, and Mrs Hartness is our HLTA. 

We are lucky to have our own outdoor learning area and enjoy playing outside come rain or shine! The ethos of our class is to develop happy, confident and independent learners who are willing to try their best and find success in their everyday learning. Every child is unique and we aim to tailor lessons to the individual needs of the children.


On this page you can find weekly updates about our learning and any special adventures we have been on. We hope you enjoy reading about our learning journey!



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Week Commencing 12th July 2021

In English this week  we have been learning about newspapers. We have been reading 'The Happy Newspaper' and we have started writing our own news articles for our own happy newspaper. We have been writing about sports day, our art inspired by Piet Mondrian and plastic pollution. In Maths we have been recapping money and shape skills. We enjoyed an outdoor shape orienteering session where we had to follow a trail of 2D shapes. In PE we have been trying to run for longer by keeping our speed the same. We have also been running relay races in teams. In our games session we continued playing bucket ball in our teams. We had to throw the ball and run around the posts as fast as we can. We have been getting better at teamwork!! Some children also enjoyed tri-golf club this week where they have been learning to chip the ball! Year 1 enjoyed an outside transition session with Miss Chhibber in which they painted self-portraits. They also learnt and played a new game together!

Reception enjoyed a transition session with our new Reception children. They painted their own portraits on paper plates and used wool to create hair. It's been a busy week and we are looking forward to counting down to the summer holidays next week! 

Miss B x



Week commencing 5th July 2021

This week we have enjoyed learning about Piet Mondrian and creating some abstract art inspired by his work. The children used straight lines to make squares and rectangles on their paper and then used primary colours, black and white to create blocks of colour.  We also enjoyed taking photos in forest school as if we were an ant. We thought carefully about what we might see if we were really small and the children took some fantastic photos using the ipads. 


In PE this week we continued our athletics session and were learning some techniques for running really fast such as using 'shark fin' hands and quick springy feet. The children showed great improvement over the session! On Monday they were also treated to as super session with Nick who held a football enrichment lesson!


In Maths this week, we have been learning to recognise coins and bank notes. We have been using coins to make different amounts and investigating different ways of making the same amount. For example, how many different ways can you make 10p? etc. Keep practising at home too! 

Week commencing 21st June 2021

Despite it being assessment week this week we have had lots of fun! Forest school has been a highlight of the week. We have been exploring hedgerows and counting the different colours, insects and plants that live in the hedges on the school field. We've had two great PE sessions this week too. On Wednesday, we had an athletics session in which we practised some throwing, jumping and running in preparation for sports day. On Friday Miss Bleakley taught us a tri-golf session and we started to throw and use a club to hit balls towards a target. 

In RE this week the children created a museum of Jewish artefacts. They carried out some simple research and created labels for the different items. Then they took turns to visit the museum or present their item to the guests. 

We have continued practising our letter writing this week when we did a piece of exciting writing- we wrote a letter to Mrs Whiting to persuade her to have a school pet! In maths this week we have been learning and recapping the names of 2D and 3D shapes. We have been learning about their properties and have practised recognising them quickly. 

We had a lovely afternoon on Thursday when the new reception children came to visit us from Puddleducks! We are excited to welcome them into Ash class! 

Week Commencing 14th June 2021

Another busy week in Ash Class! In English we have continued our unit based on Dear Greenpeace. We have continued exploring and writing letters and cards and have also been practising using punctuation such as full stops, capital letters and question marks correctly. We have been practising lots of SPAG skills! In Maths we have been learning about fractions. We have been finding halves and quarters of shapes and amount of objects. The children have picked this up really well and we will continue to practise next week! Most of Ash class have enjoyed another cooking club session. We make loaded potato skins and practised our knife skills as we cut up tomatoes and spring onion. On Thursday we enjoyed a DT day where we identified a problem and came up with a solution. We then designed and created a item that is 'top secret'- you will find out more on Sunday! This week we have also been exploring what makes a family and have been drawing what we think a 'normal' family looks like. We are going to unpick this further in the coming weeks as part of our Rainbow Flag work. Wishing you all a lovely weekend :) Miss B x

Week commencing 7th June 2021

This week in Ash class we have enjoyed learning how to play bucket ball in our games lesson! We also had a super PE lesson with Mrs Marriott in which we have started a new athletic unit. This week's session was all about jumping! In English we have been learning about writing letters using the book Dear Greenpeace by Simon James. We have been thinking about the features of letters and exploring different types of letters, including cards, thank you letters and more formal letters. In maths this week we have started learning about fractions and are beginning to find half or a quarter of a shape. 


We are loving cooking club and this week we made cinnamon rolls. They were delicious! On Wednesday we also had our first tri-golf club with Mrs Marriott! We loved learning to put the ball between two cones. 


In RE this term we have been learning about Christian and Jewish stories and have continued this through the week by exploring more bible stories and sequencing them in the old and new testaments. 


We have been growing lots of vegetables this term and are continuing to care for our sunflowers, strawberries, tomatoes and courgettes. Reception children had a special delivery of some oak saplings to care for during their time at KPA! 



Week Commencing 24th May 2021

We have been learning about and enjoying poems in English this week. We learnt part of a poem off by heart and performed it to the rest of the class. In maths we have continued learning to divide and we have been practicing making equal and unequal groups using objects. We did a quick using Plickers!


We enjoyed an extra PE session with Mrs Griffiths this week in which we practised using bats and balls and developed our throwing and catching skills! We also loved forest school this week. We were finding mini-beasts and comparing what creatures lived in different parts of the field. We found beetles, ladybirds, centipedes, blood spiders, red ants and woodlice. We also loved making daisy chains and are getting really good now!


We love visiting the school library to change our library books on a Friday!  This week  we enjoyed sharing our library books with our friends. This week we shared some more of our humanities projects and are really impressed with the work the children have put into them. They are proudly displayed in our classroom!


We are racing along with our phonics this half term. We have been recapping our sounds and have been working hard to learn our word wall words! Keep practising over half term!! Most of the children in Ash Class enjoyed a marshmallow and hot chocolate treat for reaching the top of our reading snake this week! Well done Ash Class- all your lovely reading at home is showing in class!


We loved making rocky road at cooking club this week! Yum! We chose the ingredients we wanted to included and enjoyed drizzling white chocolate on top! We are looking forward to more cooking and tri-golf club next half term!


Have a wonderful half term!



Week Commencing 17th May 2021

This week in forest school we have been exploring  the weather with our windy day bag! We loved twirling ribbons in the wind! It was so much fun! 

In English this week, we have been learning about blurbs. We wrote our own blurbs for our own Traction Man stories called Traction Man is at School! 

In Maths this week, we have been learning to share into equal groups and to share objects into a certain number of groups. We learnt a new symbol called the division symbol. We enjoyed sharing counters and objects equally. 

In science, we have been learning about plants. We have been identifying seeds and bulbs! We had to match the seeds and bulbs to the correct plants. We even learnt some new science words such as: germination, photosynthesis, tunic and basal plate. 

On Tuesday, we had an extra forest school session with Mrs Tickle. We went for a walk to a meadow in Kimbolton where we collected wild flowers and plants. We used them to make a picture which we have pressed and dried. We are looking forward to seeing what they look like. 

We love visiting the library on a Friday morning where we can change our library books!

A huge well done to everyone in Ash class who shared their humanities projects in school today! They are amazing and we are so proud of all the hard work they have put into them!

26th April- 7th May 2021 

It's been a very busy couple of weeks in Ash class. In Maths we have been learning to multiply and add groups of objects together. We have been building arrays to represent multiplication problems and have been working together to solve them. Reception have been focusing on becoming more confident with number and place value. They have been finding one more and one less, adding two small groups of objects and have been practising ordering numbers to 20! We have been working really hard on forming our numbers correctly- please keep practising at home!


In English we have been exploring Traction Man by Mini Grey. We have been writing our own story maps and using adjectives to describe the setting and the characters. We are also working hard to recap our phonics knowledge. Most of reception are currently recapping phase 3 sounds and any extra practise at home using your phonics packs would be fantastic! Year 1 are working on phase 5 and alternative sounds, again keep practising at home please. 


We have introduced our reading snake back into the classroom and the children are moving up the snake each day that they read at home. This is about focusing on reading often and encouraging more reading, as this has deteriorated since the last lock down. The children can earn a hot chocolate and marshmallow session if they read on ten days between now and the end of half term- keep up the super reading!


In science we have continued our plants topic and have now planted sunflowers, tomatoes, courgettes and peas. The children are working hard to look after them after completing a science experiment to investigate what plants need to grow! We are also looking forward to our strawberries growing so we can eat them at snack time!


In topic we have been learning about Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. We have been learning about the positive impact they had on hospitals and health care. The children have really enjoyed finding out about the condition of the hospitals during the Crimean War. It has sparked lots of conversations! We enjoyed interviewing a real life modern nurse recently too and asked her lots of questions about being a nurse. She was so kind and caring and we found out loads of new facts!


In PE we have continued cricket sessions with our coach from Cricket East. We have developed our ball skills and are now using a bat to hit the ball! We have also continued learning to skip following on from National Skipping Day. We are working through the bronze, silver and gold challenges and the children are loving trying to skip using a larger rope with several children jumping at the same time!


In forest school we have been learning about the names of different wild flowers and trees. We went on a tree hunt to try to name lots of the trees on the school field. We found an Oak tree and a Rowan tree and think we might need to plant an Ash tree ASAP! We have also been carrying out investigations to see which flower is the most common on the school field and have used the daisies to make daisy chains. 


It's been a busy few weeks!



Forest School

Cooking Club

Number Day!

12th-23rd April 2021

What a busy start to the new term we have had! It's been wonderful to have the children back and to get going with lots of new learning. In Maths we have been adding and subtracting using objects, a number line or knowledge of number bonds. In English we have started a new unit of work inspired by Traction Man by Mini Grey. We have been exploring the text through role play, using adjectives to describe action man and created story boards to help use retell the story. In Science we have been learning about plants and what they need to grow. We have planted our own sunflower seeds and have been caring for them. We learnt that plants need sunlight, water and nutrients in the soil to grow. 


We have been enjoying cricket sessions with our cricket coach on a Wednesday afternoon. We developing our ball control skills at the moment with lots of rolling, throwing and catching. It's great fun! We also enjoy PE on a Friday with Miss Bleakley. We have had a great team building session in which we had to use communication skills to solve a problem as a team. On Friday 23rd April we took part in a big skip for National Skipping day organised by HuntsSSP. We all learnt to skip and practised 3 different levels of challenge! We had great fun and even managed to get 5 children skipping over one rope!!


In forest school we have enjoyed spending time in the wild garden, exploring signs of spring and looking more closely. We used a hula hoop to identify a small patch of the field and then sketched it carefully using pencils. It's been a busy couple of weeks but we are loving being back in school!

Cricket Sessions

Busy Learning and Planting Seeds