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Welcome to Oak Class!


We are a mixed class of Year 2 and Year 3. 

We enjoy lots of outdoor learning and thrive to do our best at all times. We enjoy telling jokes and have a really creative imagination which is useful for our creative writing! We are all very unique children but we all play together and always try to include all of our friends in our learning and games. 

The adults in our room are Miss Chhibber (class teacher), Mrs Rose, and Miss Reed.

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Oak Class body percussion to the Three Lions song

Oak Class Magic Club!

Some of the children from our Magic Club were brave enough to record some of their magic tricks. I am so proud of all of the children at Magic Club and how much they have learnt this term. Enjoy!

SAWG! - WB 28.07.21

For our Science, Art, Writing and Geography week, Oak Class looked at volcanoes and desert islands. We found out more information about how volcanoes form and erupt before making and exploding our own. To do this, the children researched information about reactions and chose their own amounts of baking soda, vinegar and washing up liquid to create an eruption. We then used papier mache to create a volcano mold to contain our reaction. We wrote SOS letters as though we were stuck on a desert island and used watercolours to create beautiful artwork mirroring half of the island.



Summer Term 2

Our last term as a whole class before the Year 3's move up to Rowan and we welcome some Ash children to our classroom! The school year has gone so quickly and we have had so much fun learning together, both in person and on Zoom. This term we have focused on SPaG in English to consolidate the learning for our year group before we move on. In Maths, we have looked at measuring in mass and liquid forms and have used our division knowledge to help us work out intervals of measurements. We have completed our final assessment for this year and we are super proud of how well we have all done. For the last few weeks of term, we have been consolidating a lot of our learning and trying to fill the gaps from lockdown. We have been able to take part in Sports Day which the children really loved and it was nice to have an event that somewhat resembled normality. We stayed in our class bubbles but we all saw each other on the field completing our activities, cheering each other on. Oak class are sad to be saying goodbye to Miss Reed this term but we are very grateful for all that she has done for us this year!

Summer Term 1

This term in Oak Class, we welcomed a new child to our class all the way from Australia and I am so proud of how welcoming the children have been! We have enjoyed getting back to normality with Maths and English after a stressful lockdown and are loving our new book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We completed a 7 week project on this book completing lots of interesting task. We started by reading chapter one and describe The Iron Man using similes and metaphors. We also wrote instructions for our own robots in Exciting Writing and used our fresh skills to write instructions for how to assemble TIM. We wrote diary entries in character as Hogarth and held a class debate about whether The Iron Man should help the humans defeat the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon. In Maths, looked at fractions with a focus on unit and non-unit fractions. We consolidated our understanding of equal groups and linked this to fractions, multiplication and division. We then began to focus on measurement using M, cm and mm. In RE, we have discovered that Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia and have thought about questions we want to learn about Muslims. In Science, we started to conduct our own experiments and managed to grow beanstalks! The beans that grew the most were the ones that have been spoken to and kept in the light with enough water. Keep watching for more updates!

Spring Term 2

Although we have only had a few weeks back at school before Easter, it has been lovely to see the children in person again! We completed an assessment week just to gauge where the children were after home learning. We also spent lots of time in PSHE thinking about how the lockdown has affected us and how we feel to be back at school. We created artwork entitled 'What colour was your lockdown?'

Spring 1- Home Learning

We've had a very busy term of home learning over the last few weeks. We have been so impressed and are extremely proud of the children and all their hard work. Here are a few highlights...


We've been writing our own chapters and creating poems, learning how to tell the time, counting in Punjabi, learning about the properties of different materials, comparing India and where we live, practicing our times tables, creating henna designs, writing newspaper articles, , cooking, listening to stories, finding out more about Sikhism, going on long walks, playing in the snow and lots more! 

December 2020:

WB 7th December:
In English, the children have been looking at the key features of playscripts this week before composing their own playscript based on Fair's Fair. Oak class enjoyed using formal and informal language for different characters and were very fond of the dramatic performance that Ms Harris and I gave to demonstrate the difference in tone of voice for wealthy and poor Victorian characters.
In Maths, we have been practicing our times tables including 2,5,10 for YR2 and 2,4,8 for YR3. The children used numicon to help them work out the answers and have been putting their skills to the test on TT Rockstars. We will be moving on to division next week for these times tables too!
In science, YR3 continued work on their investigation of light and dark by looking at mirrors, completing challenges such as mirror writing to see how the reflection of the mirror changed their writing. YR2 looked at larger habitats such as the rainforest, artic, desert and ocean. We discussed how plants and animals depend on each other and how we are all connected through things like the food chain and shelter.
We also completed out stick stars which the children, and I, found very tricky! However we had the fabulous Mrs Tickle and Mrs Rose on hand to support us all.


November 2020

This month we have been looking at a Victorian fiction book called Fair's Fair. The children have used lots of different skills such as predicting and using expanded noun phrases to describe settings. We created 'role on the wall' pieces thinking about what type of character Jackson would be physically and emotionally. We also researched the famous Victorian nurse Mary Seacole. We used our knowledge of non-chronological reports to create our own fact files which we then typed to practice our IT skills. In Maths, we refreshed our knowledge of subtraction before moving on to the column method for addition. We looked at crossing ten and used counters and dienes to help us understand how hundreds, tens and ones change when we add. We found this a little bit tricky however the children used alternative methods, such as using number lines, to check their answers. In science, year 2 looked at habitats and enjoyed getting very muddy exploring our local habitat and microhabitats at KPA. Year 3 looked at light and dark, gaining an understanding of reflection, light sources and shadows.


October 2020


A bit of rain certainly didn’t stop Oak children from having a lovely Friday! This week we have enjoyed learning words in Italian for Europeans Day of Languages and tried to learn the names of the rainbow colours. We read and wrote our own animal poems for National Poetry Day and are excited to perform our poems next week. We have been particularly interested in money as we have awakened our competitive streak for the Penny Challenge! In Literacy, we have been reading 'Huge Bag of Worries' and 'Once Upon an Ordinary School Day' with a focus on adjectives and adverbs to improve stories. 

This week in Oak we have been looking at money in Maths and have been trying to make totals using different coins. In Literacy, we have been planning and writing our own short stories, focusing on using adjectives and adverbs to make them exciting. In History we have been discovering differences between the rich and poor people of Victorian England and recording these differences and similarities using a Venn diagram. Finally on Wednesday we performed our poems that we had learned and even performed some of our own. I was very impressed with all of the children but especially those who had practiced really hard and were able to memorise their poems! This week we have started to look at non-chronological texts in English, with a specific focus on the Victorians, in preparation of writing our own. In Maths, we have been improving our addition and subtraction skills using money and have recapped our knowledge of using number lines. Some of us have also been recapping and practicing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's using hundred squares. In science, year 3 have been looking at how the human skeleton protects us and the different types of joints that we have in our bodies. Year 2 enjoyed creating sticks that represented their feelings in forest school with Mrs Tickle and were very keep to show them off. In DT, most of the children have completed their very own Victorian Peg Dolls, ready for us to evaluate before half term and have been thinking about what materials the Victorians would have had access to.

September 2020

What a lovely welcome back to school this week has been! We have agreed on our class rules and discussed how to behave at school with the new social-distance restrictions. Oak class have enjoyed starting our new topic of The Victorians and thought about what we want to learn about the period. There have been lots of 'getting to know you' activities and we have gelled as a class very quickly! Our 'Here We Are' book has been a very interesting conversation starter about our favourite memories and people who are special to us - we all feel very lucky to have such lovely people who care about us (even if we can't see them at the moment). This week we have been exploring deeper into our Victorian topic and have been specifically looking at the toys that rich and poor Victorian children played with - We all agreed that we would much rather have been a rich Victorian child! We have designed our own peg dolls with a focus on what materials the Victorians would have been able to use for toys.  

This week we have been using Espresso to find our facts about Queen Victoria and her life. The children were very eager to use the laptops for research and managed to find a variety of interesting facts. In Maths we have been looking at representing numbers using dienes and have been putting these numbers into a place value grid. In Literacy we have been using expanded noun phrases and adverbs in our writing to make it more excited. We have also started our French lessons (for the first time for Year 2) and have discussed different greetings and when each greeting is appropriate, for example, using bonne nuit in the evenings. 
