Week commencing 20th January 2020
This week in Ash class we have been working hard to learn our number bonds to ten. Year 1 have been fantastic this week at remembering the pairs of numbers that add to make ten and using them to solve missing number problems and word problems. I've been really impressed! Reception have also been involved in our number bond carpet sessions. We've been singing songs and practising writing our numbers. They have also been practising recognising teen numbers and finding one more and one less than a given number.
In English we have continued our unit on non-fiction books. We have been exploring some non-fiction books and have been learning the names of the different features such as the contents page, index and glossary. We have been learning to label diagrams and also to write captions! The children have all worked really hard and reception surprise me every day with their writing! Some children are now writing words using their phonics knowledge and some are even challenging themselves and writing some simple sentences. I'm a very proud teacher!
In science we have started a new unit all about animals and humans. We started by recording all the things we already know and recording some questions of things we would like to find out. The children had some really interesting questions! We enjoyed a lesson where the children drew around each other and labelled body parts. They got to use their labelling skills we had been learning about in English!
We are racing ahead with our phonics sounds- reception sounds this week are: ai, ee, igh, oa. Phonics packs will be updated on Monday so please make sure they are kept in school bags.
During our forest school session the children made magic wands from natural materials. The forest fairies even crept in a visit and covered their wands in glitter!
We enjoyed a yoga session on Monday afternoon and learnt some new yoga moves. The children and Mrs Hartness are looking forward to learning some more moves on Monday!
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Miss Bleakley