WB 03.02.25 - Weekly Update:
This week in Maths we introduced perimeter for Year 3 and 4. We found the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and then moved onto finding missing lengths. Year 2 have consolidated their knowledge of dividing by 2,5 and 10 and have used TTRockstars alongside this. In English we reminded ourselves of key features of a newspaper by annotating a selection of newspaper articles. We then moved on to researching Skara Brae, as this is what we will write our newspaper article on next week. We planned these so that we can start writing next week.
In RE, we looked at the life of Buddha and what characteristics of his were saint like. I also explained that some people believe Buddha may actually be the Christian saint Josaphat. In DT, we spent a lot of time adding to our weaving so that we can finish and evaluate them next week. In Topic, we became hunter gatherers and spent time outside with our bows we created in forest school last week. In Exciting Writing we wrote instructions for how to do this. Finally, in PE we had our gymnastic session with Mrs Griffiths focused on mirroring with a partner.
WB 27.01.25 - Weekly Update:
This week in Maths, Year 3 and 4 started their unit on measurements. We focused on measuring in mm, cm, m and km. Then we moved onto looking at equivalent lengths. Year 2 started to look at multiplication and have been using TTRockstars to nail their 2/5/10 times tables. In English, we planned and wrote a set of instructions based on how to make a Stone Age fire. We ended our English work by writing a book review on the book Stone Age Boy.
In Science, Year 4 spent time exploring circuits before experimenting with conductors and insulators. We looked at how to make a simple complete circuit before adding different components and observing how this changed the circuit. Years 2 and 3 made bows in Forest School with Mrs Tickle in preparation for our Topic lesson next week. In Topic, the children and I baked Bronze Age cookies and made clay torcs with Mrs Rose. We then painted our torcs later in the week - most of them ended up looking like relics! In DT, we planned our final piece using what we learnt in our weaving session. In RE, the children looked at how the Sikh gurus could be compared with saints before looking at how Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was saint-like too.
WB 20.01.25 - Weekly update:
This week in Maths, Year 3 and 4 have been focusing on dividing. We started the week by exploring different methods to divide up to a 3 digit number. We then moved onto flexible partitioning and ended the week with dividing with remainders. The children worked amazingly hard within our Maths lessons this week as division is a difficult unit of work! In Year 2 Maths, we have started to look at money, focusing on coin and note recognition and how to make a variety of amounts. We played 'shop' and asked the children to find the exact amount to buy items which they could play with. In English we created our own diary entry describing the setting from the story Stone Age Boy. The children then gave each other feedback on their writing and then used this feedback to edit their writing. We started to plan a set of instructions for how to make a Stone Age fire.
In Exciting Writing, the children wrote a biography about Neil Armstrong. On Thursday, we spent the afternoon watching a live lesson where the children had to play the role of aspiring space engineers and scientists and explored an Earth observation mission. Year 2/3 enjoyed a Science lesson looking at push and pull forces while Year 4 made bows with Mrs Tickle. In French, Year 3 learnt classroom instructions while Year 4 looked at giving their opinions about different fruits. In RE, we learned more about the story of St George and his life.
WB 13.01.25 - Weekly Update:
This week in Maths, we have looked at scaling and correspondence problems and discussed how best to approach these. Then we ended the week with recapping the grid method to multiply up to 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The children worked so hard with this method and some even moved onto column method! Year 2 have completed some tests to see how much they have learnt since October so that we can start plugging gaps before we move on to money next week. In English, we introduced our new text 'Stone Age Boy'. We spent time predicting using the front cover and then moved onto retelling the story. We ended the week by creating descriptive sentences describing either the forest or cave from Stone Age Boy.
In DT, we learned how to make looms using yarn and carboard. We then practiced our weaving skills reading to start planning our independent project. In RE, we looked closer at who the patron saints of the UK are and learnt a little bit about their backstories. In Science, Year 4 started their unit on electricity. They focused on which items were electric powered and what the hazards of electrical items could be. Then we ended the week with our PE session with Mrs Griffiths!
WB 06.01.25 - Weekly Update:
We've had a lovely start to the new year in Oak. In Maths, Year 3 and 4 we have using our knowledge of multiplication to look at factor pairs and multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We also spent some time looking at a Year 6 SATs paper to see how we can apply our knowledge to trickier questions. Year 2 spent some time recapping place value and missing number problems which we had been finding tricky. In English, we've had a focus on SPaG. YR3/4 spent time working on turning adjectives into adverb and the spelling rules that come with this as well as apostrophes, prefixes and suffixes. Year 2 have also looked at their use of apostrophes, prefixes and suffixes.
In Exciting Writing, we wrote a short stories about a little girl who time travelled into the year 3025 and had to get home. We introduced our new units of work in Science and RE and completed our KWHL grids. We spent time on our new Topic- Stone Age to Iron Age. We looked at timelines and discussed what life was like during the Stone Age. In DT, we introduced our new unit of work focused on weaving. Finally we ended the week with a gymnastic session Mrs Griffiths and our first music lesson of the term.
WB 16.12.24 - Weekly update:
We've had a lovely final week of the year. On Monday, we enjoyed a Science day. Year 4 enjoyed an experiment where we melted chocolate to see which temperature would melt it the quickest. We also looked at how to measure different temperatures with a thermometer and how the water cycle works. Year 2 and 3 completed an experiment to see how the position of a light source can change the shadow. They also completed an end of unit assessment before filling in what they have learnt this term on their KWL grid. On Tuesday, we enjoyed a Computing day. We looked at how information is shared between different devices and learnt about the role of the server, network switch and wireless access device.
We enjoyed an amazing Rocksteady concert midweek which the children have worked so hard towards. Then, in English we wrote our own story in the style of Gorilla by Anthony Browne. Finally, we ended our week with Reward Day! We had a brilliant PE session with Mrs Griffiths, completed some Christmas games and a quiz with Mrs Rose and watched a Christmas film. Well done to all of Oak this term, they have worked incredibly hard. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back in January!
WB:09.12.24 - Weekly update:
Another busy week in Oak Class. In English, we have continued to look at Anthony Browne books with a focus on creating a new character and planning our own stories. We have also focused on subordinate clauses and using conjunctions to extend our sentence. In Maths, Year 3 and 4 have been looking at area. We have been finding the area of shapes using squares and half squares. We have also been comparing area. Year 2 have continued to focus on shape. We have looked at 3D shapes, focusing on edges, vertices and faces.
In PSHE, we recapped our rights and spoke about which rights were most important to us in honour of Human Rights Day. In Art, the children created their final piece of work based on their planning. In Topic, we looked at Hadrian's Wall and why it was important to the Roman people. In RE, we answered our enquiry question 'Who was Jesus?'. The Year 2 children created true or false questions which we used in a Blooket quiz. Year 3 and 4 wrote a biography of Jesus to demonstrate their understanding.
WB:02.12.24 - Weekly update:
We've had such a busy and exciting week in Oak. We loved our trip to the Castle on Monday to watch their school production of 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.' On Wednesday, we also enjoyed a trip to the church for our Christingle service - thank you to everyone who came! In Maths, Years 3 and 4 have focused on the last few times tables before moving on to multiplying and dividing by 1. Year 2 started their unit on shape and we have worked hard to understand properties of 2D shapes, straight and curved lines and lines of symmetry. In English, we continued to look at Anthony Browne texts and used these to develop predicting skills, relevant question asking and using conjunctions to join clauses.
In Topic, we learned about Boudicca and how she led a rebellion against the Romans in Britain. We looked at two historical sources to help build an image of Boudicca before learning about her defeat at Watling Street. In Exciting Writing, we wrote acrostic poems about Christingle before making our Christingles. In Art, the children started to plan their final piece which looks at surrealism.
WB 25.11.24 - Weekly Update:
In Maths this week, Year 3 and 4 have been working really hard to learn and consolidate their times table knowledge. We've looked at the 3,6 and 9 times tables and applying these to problem solving. Year 2 have been consolidating areas that they were not as confident on during assessment week. This has been adding and subtracting with an exchange and finding a missing number. In English, we have started a new unit based on Anthony Browne books. We have read Gorilla, Changes, Into the Forest and The Night Shimmy. We created and describe imaginary friends, discussed questions about the meaning of Changes before comparing to Gorilla and answered comprehension questions about Into the Forest. In Exciting Writing, we edited our non-fiction pieces ready to enter some of these into a competition.
In Science, Year 4 started to look at solids, liquids and gases. We sorted nouns into the correct groups and learned about the properties of each state. We also found out a little bit about particles and how they behave differently in each state. We then completed some activities to find out more about gases. We learned that gas helps smells to travel and that it is present everywhere even though we cannot see it. Year 2 completed some booster work to help them understand different parts of SPaG and Year 3 completed French lessons. They learned how to answer the question 'Comment ca va?' and different ways to say goodbye. In RE, we looked the story of Easter as we come to the end of our unit on Jesus. In Topic, we took part in a live lesson which looked at Roman inventions in more detail.
WB 18.11.24 - Weekly update
This week Oak have worked so hard to complete assessments in reading, maths, spelling and punctuation and grammar. We are only a few months into the year but the children know so much already - We are very proud of them all!
In foundation subjects we have completed lessons in Science, PSHE, Computing, Exciting Writing, PE, and French. In Science, Years 2 and 3 found out more about light and dark. We looked at how we are able to see items when light shines on them and completed an experiment to find out which material was the most reflective. In French, Year 4 looked at counting in 10s and telling someone where they live. In PSHE, we spoke about our strengths and positive qualities. We thought about the positive qualities of our peers before thinking of a quality that we would like to improve e.g. being more considerate. In Computing, we looked at inputs, processes and outputs before the children designed a device using these components. We also compared technology to real life and thought about how technology benefits us. The children completed artwork on paper and ipads and compared. In Exciting Writing, the children wrote a non-fiction piece about their hobby and also edited their diaries from last session. Finally, the children enjoyed a dance session with Mrs G where they changed their movements depending on the music. The thought about how the pitch, genre and speed of the music can change how you dance.
WB 11.11.24 - Weekly Update:
This week in English, we looked at nonsense poetry. We learned all about portmanteaus and read the Jabberwocky. The children tried hard to learn the words before performing to the class. In Maths, YR3 and 4 have worked on their 3.4 and 8 times tables and are really starting to learn them. Year 2 continued to focus on subtracting as we have been finding this a little bit tricky. We also got a head start on assessments by completing our arithmetic paper.
In Topic, we learned why the Romans invaded Britain before looking at the importance of Roman roads. We used atlases to find these key cities and map out the routes. In RE, we looked at the Bible in a bit more detail. We thought about how it was similar or different to a chapter book in school and discussed our thoughts on if it is a religious text or a historical text. The children looked at inputs and outputs in computing before creating digital art. As part of kindness week, Oak created a list of things that they wanted to do this week that were kind and ended the week by ticking these off and reflecting.
WB 04.11.24 - Weekly Update:
This week in English we completed our first whole year group guided reading session. We worked on answering questions using evidence from the text and being specific in our explanations. In English, Year 3 and 4 have focused on grammar - we looked at subordinate clauses and word classes. Year 2 looked at spelling rules when adding the suffix -ing and learnt about contractions. In Maths, Year 2 have added 2-digit numbers using tens and ones/coloum and have started to focus on subtraction. Years 3 and 4 have started their unit on multiplication and division by recapping arrays, sharing and grouping, and the 2/5/10 times tables.
In Exciting Writing, we wrote a diary about seeing the fireworks using our senses. We learned more about the circulatory system in Year 2/3 Science and found out what we had/didn't have in our town in YR4 French. In Art, we experimented with stop motion and in PSHE we thought about how to be kind and when to ask adults for support.
WB 14.10.24 - Weekly Update:
This week in English, the children planned and wrote an alternative ending to 'Arthur and the Golden Rope.' We used story maps to plan our ideas before writing and editing. We will find out what really happened next week! In Maths, Year 2 have worked on adding and subtracting 1s, adding to make 10 and adding three single digits. Year 3 and 3 have focused on column method subtraction and addition.
We practiced really hard for our harvest service at the church on Wednesday to learn the songs and readings. In PSHE, we spoke about worries and fears. We read 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' and thought about how we can manage our worries better. In Topic, we learned about the Roman gods and goddesses. We learned that the Romans had a god for most things and that we even have planets named after them! In Exciting Writing, we wrote short stories based on a picture of a sinking boat. In DT, we started to plan what our Roman bread will look like and which ingredients we will need before we make it next week.
WB: 07.10.24 - Weekly Update
This week in English, we have delved deeper into Arthur and the Golden Rope. We worked on our story mapping skills to retell 'Freya's Wonderful Necklace' before writing this in our own words. We also learned how to write speech using speech marks, reporting clauses and the correct punctuation. We finished the week by reading up to pg42 of our book and started to think about how the tale might end. Next week, we will be planning and writing our own endings before finding out the real ones. In Maths, we have moved on from place value and started adding and subtracting. Year 2 have consolidated their understanding of number bonds and fact families up to 10 and 20. We will continue to revisit this as some of the children found it quite difficult. Year 3 and 4 were adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s over a boundary. We've used column method to work out our answers and used dienes.
In Science, Year 4 experimented with egg shells and various liquids. We tested to see which liquid would decay our teeth (egg shell) the most. We found that milk decayed our egg shell the least due to the calcium in it. We also found that full sugar coke decayed the egg shell the most. In RE, we looked at two stories about Jesus and discussed what they tell us about him. We looked at 'Jesus and the temptation' and 'Jesus calms the storm.' In PSHE, we explored feelings more with a focus on facial expressions and body language. In Music, we started to look at a new song on the recorder that the children will learn next week. In Art, the children enjoyed creating surrealism-style pictures using ipads. They created collages from different perspectives and looked at different camera angles.
WB 30.09.24 - Weekly Update
This week in Maths, Years 3 and 4 have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000 and rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We used 'rounding rockets' to consolidate this too. Year 2 have focused on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We also started to count in 3s. In English, we have started reading our story Arthur and the Golden Rope. We spent time co-writing poems on the theme of books and then we inferred meaning about the main character based on an illustration. We spent time discussing physical and internal characteristics of Arthur and then created a role on the wall for him. In Topic, we looked at Roman numerals and consolidated our understanding with a variety of activities. Year 2 enjoyed creating a clock with Roman numerals and following a colour-by-number. In DT, the children tasted ingredients which they might like to put into their bread. In Science, Year 4 continued to explore the types of teeth in our mouths and considered why some animals have different teeth to humans. In the middle of the week, Years 3 and 4 had a wonderful time on our 'Faith Tour'. In Exciting Writing, we wrote a letter to our local MP to discuss what we would like to see in Kimbolton.
WB 16.09.24 - Weekly update
This week in Maths, we have continued our work on place value of numbers up to 100 and up to 10,000. Year 3 and 4 looked at representing numbers, partitioning and flexibly partitioning numbers before moving on to finding 1/10/100/1000 more or less. Year 2 have focused on partitioning numbers to 100 by their place value and flexibly. We have also focused on reading and writing numbers to 100. In English, we have continued our work on grammar and punctuation. This week, we have looked closer at verbs, specifically action, being and having verbs.
In Year 4 Science, we looked at food chains using the language prey, predator, primary consumer, secondary consumer and producer. Years 2 and 3 enjoyed a forest school session with Mrs Tickle outside. We edited our first piece of Exciting Writing and completed some PSHE work about different emotions and how we can look after our mental health. In French, Year 4 learned how to talk about where they live whilst Year 3 started their journey on Duolingo. Year 2 completed some Phonics Play games to consolidate their understanding of plural spelling rules and past tense verbs. In Topic, we learned how to scan QR codes in preparation for our independent research on Roman inventions. We looked closely at roads, sewers and aqueducts which the children will continue with next week. In Music, the children used recorders to practise the note B and revisited vocabulary from last week such as pitch and tone. In DT, the children looked at Roman food recipes and noted down key ingredients. They will use these to inform their bread making in a few weeks’ time. Finally, in PE, the children continued to work on their ball skills.
WB 09.09.24 - Weekly update
What a busy first full week in Oak Class! In Maths, Year 2 have been looking at place value of two-digit numbers using dienes and place value grids. Year 3 and 4 have been solidifying our understanding of 1000s. We have been partitioning, representing and counting in 1000s. In English, we have all been focusing on nouns and Year 2 started to look at being verbs. We have spent time exploring and understanding the difference between common, proper, partitive and collective nouns so that we can use these correctly in our writing.
In Exciting Writing, we designed our own brand new chocolate bars or sweets and wrote a persuasive advert to sell them. In Science, Year 2 and 3 learnt about the five different food groups and spoke about how food can provide energy and nutrition. We sorted food into the correct groups and spoke about how they may fit in more than one food group. In RE, we started our new unit about Jesus and found out more about what his childhood was like. Year 2 also thought about what they think Jesus may have looked like as we discussed that the artwork we have seen of Jesus was created a few hundred years after he was born. In French, Year 3 learned about four main greetings with the help of Year 4 whilst Year 2 completed some comprehension and handwriting lessons. In Art, we started our new unit of work focused on Surrealism. We learnt that Surrealism is a type of art that looks like it's from a dream. It's full of surprising, strange, and sometimes funny things that don’t usually go together in real life. We also learnt about automatism, which is art that is made without planning ahead or thinking about it, even while you are doing it. We then created our own sketches based on this. Finally, we ended the week with a music lesson where we explored different genres of music and notations and a PE session with Mrs Griffiths. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
WB 02.09.24 - Weekly update
It's been such a lovely first few days back. This week in Oak, we have spent some time getting used to new routines and started our topic work on 'The Roman Empire.' We learned about where Rome is on the map and found out some general knowledge about the Romans such as their many gods and goddesses, some Roman inventions and what Roman soldiers looked like. The children ordered a timeline of Roman events and also designed and created Roman coins using clay. We also had an amazing time taking part in 'Roman Day'. We spent the morning completing different activities such as making our own mosaic, creating a perfume bag to make us smelly Romans smell a bit better and also our own clay charms (just to name a few!) Then this afternoon we split into groups to take part in role play. We had 5 groups, Roman Soldiers, Dancing, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Romulus and Remus and The Hare and Tortoise. We then showed our performances.
Year 3 and 4 completed Mathswhizz assessments and star reader tests and we will begin benchmarking Year 2 next week. We also started to look at how we lay our work out in Oak with some handwriting sessions and played some high frequency word SPLAT! We reminded ourselves of what growth mindset is by creating learning passports too. Well done to all of the children for a brilliant start, Mrs Rose and I can't wait to spend the rest of the year with them!