Ash Class update- Week Commencing 2nd March 2020
A busy week in Ash Class this week! We enjoyed learning more about Judaism in RE this week and finding out about synagogues as a Jewish place of worship. We also explored some Jewish religious objects and year 1 create a museum of artefacts which they opened to reception children. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and asked to do it again!
This week we have been consolidating everything we have learnt so far this year and have been working hard to check we still know key skills. In forest school this week we have been learning about birds, specifically we have been looking for red kites from the school field. We collected sticks and then created a whole class red kite piece of outdoor art. It was great fun and looks fantastic! On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. During the morning we had a special assembly and had the opportunity to share the books we had bought in, to discuss our story boxes and we also shared the characters we had come dressed as. We enjoyed using 'Room on the Broom' to create some blackout poetry. Some of the children's poems sound amazing and they got really into the process of selecting useful words and crossing out the words they didn't need. The children had an opportunity to perform their poem to the class. We also enjoyed sharing some stories from our current author of the month, Quentin Blake. The children have been recognising some of the characters in his books from books by Roald Dahl. At the end of the day we read some of the books the children had bought into school. We particularly enjoyed 'The Storm Whale' by Benji Davies.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!
Miss Bleakley