Week commencing 23rd September 2019
As always we have had a very busy week in Ash Class! Reception have now started learning phase 2 phonics sounds after practising lots of phase 1 skills. The sounds they have learnt this week are- s,a,t,p,i,n. They each have been given a phonics pack with flashcards so they can practise and play games at home. Please keep them safe and in their bags so I can update them regularly. Year 1 should already have phonics packs which I updated in July- keep using these to practise your sounds at home please. In English this week we have been learning the story of The Queen's Hat, creating a class story map and learning actions for each part of the story. Year 1 enjoyed the challenge of completing a comprehension quiz based on the book! In Maths this week we have continued to develop our knowledge of numbers to 10 and 20. We have been comparing numbers and building numbers using the mathematical equipment in the classroom. The children have enjoyed playing games such as bingo and 'higher or lower?' In science we have continued our topic about materials. We have been learning to distinguish between an object and the material it is made of. The children enjoyed a fab PE lesson in which they learnt and developed some simple ball skills such as rolling the ball with control and to a partner. The children had forest school this Friday with Mrs Tickle. We learnt how to measure sticks using our arm so that we could collect sticks of a similar size to build a home for hedgehogs. The children had to work in small teams and most children showed great teamwork! I was particularly proud of year 1 who took on more of a leadership role in their teams. Well done all!
p.s. just a reminder that the children need to bring a coat to school everyday please.