French for Year 5 (15th July)
Can you answer in English the 6 questions on this worksheet? There are 8 questions in all as two questions have two parts.
French for Year 5 (8th July)
Can you fill in the missing letters on this worksheet and then write the names of the countries in French in the last column?
Copy carefully as one or two have quite tricky spellings! This will make the puzzle at the bottom of the sheet much easier.
Bonne chance!
French for Year 5 (1st July)
Using the French names for European countries from last week's map, can you complete this crossword?
Remember to write in the FRENCH names, but do not put in 'le', 'la', etc. For example, you write DANEMARK for number 2.
French for Year 5 (24th June)
Today we are starting a new topic: Les nationalités.
Here is a worksheet showing the map of Europe? Can you put the correct numbers in the correct countries? (You might need to use an atlas to do this)
Practise saying the words in your best French accent.
Which French countries are the same as English ones? Which ones are nearly the same as English ones? Which ones are so different that you might have to look them up as they are too hard to guess? Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one? Can you remember which ones are 'le' and which are 'la'? Why are some of them <l'> or <les>?
French for Year 5 (17th June)
We are nearing the end of the topic on French schools.
Here is the menu of school dinners at a French secondary school, Le Collège Missy. (You will see that the half term holiday is split across the weekend)
Make sure you read all the information before starting to answer the nine questions.
Bonne chance!
French for Year 5 (10th June)
Here is some information about life in a French school. Can you make a list of the differences between French and English school life? Can you make up 5 quiz questions in English about what you have read? If you have access to the internet, you might be able to find out more information about schools in France.
French for Year 5 (4th June)
Here is a page of puzzles on school subjects. If you like, you can cover up the Clues section and only take a peep at it if you need to.
Handy hint: In the picture puzzle you will see that a clue to the answer is given by the words <le>, <la> and <l'> when each child starts to tell you what their favourite subject is.
By the way, do you now know the French for raincoat? What is the French word for soup apart from 'la soupe'?
French for Year 5 (27th May)
Here is a French vocabulary challenge.
Look at the eight pictures and, using a ruler and pencil, label one thing in French on each one. Handy hint: a good start would be to name the subject or the place in the school which the picture shows. Then go round again and try to label a second item and a third one and so on. Looking at the last few weeks' work should help.
Bonne chance!
French for Year 5 (20th May)
Look at the worksheet 'Quelle est ta matière préférée?'. Can you decide which subject each picture is showing? Your five answers must be in French!
Now, using what you have learnt in the last few weeks, can you express your preferences about each of these subjects?
Mrs T would write something like:
J'adore l'espagnol. C'est intéressant, mais difficile.
Now practise saying your sentences out loud, putting the appropriate kind of expression into your voice with some actions if you feel like it.
French for Year 5 (13th May)
Bonjour! Please do these tasks in the order in which they appear!
Read the lyrics of the song on the worksheet. There are five verses of two lines each and a repeating chorus.
Can you answer in English the seven questions? Some are trickier than others as you will need to give an opinion!
Now listen to the song on YouTube. Can you sing follow the words and sing along? Do you now understand it all?
(This tune makes me wish I could play the banjo!)
French for Year 5 (6th May)
Bonjour! On the Likes and Dislikes worksheet can you complete the five sentences with the French name of a school subject from the French work you did last week to show your preferences? Then using the Opinions sheet, can you add the reason in French to each sentence? (C'est ennuyeux = It's boring - if you say this very slowly, it will help you remember the meaning) Miss out the word 'Oui/Non' at the start of each one as you are not answering a question.
Why not practise reading your sentences out loud, with the right tone of voice? You could even add the preference actions for each one if you can remember them!
French for Year 5 (29th April)
Have a look at alphabetical list of school vocabulary. Some words are school subjects and some are places in school. Can you match up the words with the school flashcards? Did you spot which school subject does not have a corresponding picture? Practise saying the words in your best French accent.
Which French nouns are the same as English ones? Which ones are nearly the same as English ones? Which ones are so different that you might have to look them up as they are too hard to guess? Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one? Can you remember which ones are 'le' and which are 'la'? Why are some of them <l'> or <les>?
French for Year 5 (22nd April)
Bonjour! Can you match up the speech bubbles with the pictures?
Practise saying the sentences out loud with the right kind of expression in your voice.
In numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 can you change the noun at the end of the sentence for another French word that makes sense?
French for Years 5 and 6 (1st April)
Look at the French text called 'Paques' below. Do not worry if you do not understand it! Have a go at the two tasks below:
1. Some words in the text have been underlined. They are all nouns. Can you decide what they mean? (You will know some of them but some you may need to look up) What do you notice?
2. Some words in the text are in green. They are all verbs. Can you decide what they mean? (You will know some of them but some you may need to look up) What do you notice?
Bonne chance!