Week Commencing 16th September 2019
It's been a busy week in Ash class as we are now settled into the term. We have been reading a story called 'The Queen's Hat' and have been using adjectives to describe the characters and the Queen's hat. Year one have also been making 'lost posters' to help the Queen find her hat! In maths we have been learning to count forwards and backwards from any number to ten. We have also been finding one more than a given number. Reception have been practising their number formation- this would be a great skill to practise at home!
In geography lessons we have been learning about the countries in Great Britain and learning about the British flag. We looked at the flags that make up the Union Jack and labelled England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales on a map. In RE we have been learning about Christian families and thinking about belonging to a group. We have enjoyed PE with Mrs Litchfield, again this week. We have been using coordination to move safely around the hall to play a range of team games.